Offer Agreement
Limited Liability Company "Blowball", hereinafter referred to as the "Supplier", represented by the Managing Individual Entrepreneur Anton Yuryevich Trufanov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereby publishes this offer, which is a public offer for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer". This offer is posted on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier's Website).
Supplier - Limited Liability Company "Blowball" (INN: 7743208562, OGRN: 1177746468789, KPP: 222501001), Legal address: 656909, RUSSIA, ALTAI TERRITORY, BARNAUL CITY, BARNAUL, VODNIKOV ST., H. 1E, ROOM 5. Mailing address: 656056, Altai Territory, Barnaul city, V.N. Bavarin Square, building 2, office 910.
Buyer - a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, or individual who has concluded a Contract with the Supplier on the terms contained in this Offer and purchasing Goods for personal and entrepreneurial use. Goods - any goods offered for sale by the Supplier on the website through a catalog with item names of the Goods, which are accompanied by its description. All goods are non-food.
Supplier's Website - the official website of the Supplier, located at
Offer - public offer of the Supplier addressed to a legal entity, An individual entrepreneur who is a resident of the Russian Federation must enter into a supply agreement with them ( hereinafter referred to as agreement) on the terms contained in this offer.
Acceptance - the full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of the Contract set forth in the Offer.
Order - a list of Goods specified by the Buyer when placing an Application, agreed upon and approved between the Supplier and the Buyer, for which the Supplier issues an Invoice. The Application is sent by the Buyer by any convenient means that allows establishing the fact of its receipt by the Supplier.
Invoice - a document issued by the Supplier to the Buyer for the payment of the Goods under this Offer, the full or partial payment of which constitutes the acceptance of the Offer by the Buyer to the Supplier.
2.1. In accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this document is a public offer, and in case of acceptance of the conditions set forth below, the Buyer, making acceptance, is considered to have concluded a contract of sale of Goods with the Supplier on the terms of this Offer. The supply contract for Goods, set out in this Offer, comes into force from the moment the Supplier receives the Buyer's acceptance, in accordance with the terms of this contract, and remains in effect until the parties fulfill their obligations in full. The place of conclusion of the Contract is considered to be the city of Barnaul.
2.2. Acceptance of this Offer, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is the payment by the Buyer both in full and in part of the invoice-contract issued by the Supplier. The date of acceptance of this Offer is considered to be the date of receipt of funds from the Buyer's settlement account to the Supplier's settlement account, subject to the mandatory notification procedure of the Supplier about the payment made.
2.3. Before accepting the Offer, the Buyer is obliged to familiarize himself with all the terms of this Offer. The Buyer who has accepted the Offer is considered to have familiarized himself with and agreed to all the terms of the Offer in the form in which they are set forth in the text of the Offer, and in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is considered a party entering into contractual relations with the Supplier. By accepting the terms of the Offer, the Buyer fully confirms his rights and legal capacity to conclude the Contract, financial solvency, and also understands the responsibility for the obligations imposed on him as a result of accepting the Offer.
2.4. The supply contract for the Goods, the terms of which are set out in this Offer, does not require sealing with stamps and/or signatures of the Supplier and the Buyer and is considered concluded from the moment the Supplier receives acceptance in the manner specified in clause 2.1 of this Offer.
2.5. If the Buyer does not agree with its terms or with any item of the conditions, the Supplier offers the Buyer to refuse acceptance. At the same time, the Supplier is ready to coordinate with the Buyer the terms of delivery of the Goods and provide an agreed version of the supply contract in paper form.
2.6. The Offer comes into force from the moment of its posting on the website on the Internet and is valid until the Supplier withdraws the offer. The Supplier reserves the right to make changes to the terms of the Offer and/or withdraw the Offer at any time at its discretion without any special notification to the Buyer. Changes made by the Supplier to the Offer come into force from the moment they are posted on the website, unless a different period for the entry into force of changes is additionally determined upon such posting. All Appendices to the Offer are an integral part thereof.
2.7. The Buyer is obliged to independently monitor changes to the Offer by periodically familiarizing himself with the current (actual) version of the Offer. The risk of any negative consequences for the Buyer, caused by not familiarizing or untimely familiarizing with the current (actual) version of the Offer, is borne by the Buyer.
2.8. The Parties confirm that this Offer and the invoice attached to it may be withdrawn by the Supplier within the period set for acceptance.
3.1. The Supplier undertakes, during the term of the Contract, to supply, and the Buyer to accept the Goods, on the terms determined by the Contract and the invoice attached to it.
3.2. The name, assortment, quantity, price of the supplied Goods, as well as the payment method, place, and terms of delivery, are determined based on the Buyer's Order (application) by agreement between the parties and are approved in the invoice issued by the Supplier, which is an integral part of this Contract.
3.3. In the application, the Buyer specifies the quantity, assortment, place, and terms of delivery, consignee, address of the destination/unloading of the purchased Goods. The Supplier issues an invoice based on the Buyer's applications in any form indicating the necessary list of Goods and their main characteristics.
3.4. The Parties guarantee each other that they have all the necessary permits and approvals for the purchase and sale of the Goods specified in the appendices to this contract.
3.5. Goods of proper quality supplied under this Agreement are not subject to exchange or return.
4.1. The shipment of the Goods is carried out by various types of transport: by road or rail. The cost of delivering the Goods to the agreed unloading place, agreed with the Buyer, is not included in the price of the Goods and is paid separately in accordance with the invoice issued by the Supplier.
4.2. When shipping goods related to dangerous goods by pick-up, the Buyer (the consignee) is obliged to follow the requirements stipulated by the “Rules for ensuring transportation safety passengers and cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport" approved by the Order Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated January 15, 2014 No. 7 (if they are changed - in the wording in force at the time of adoption goods by the Buyer/cargo carrier, and in case of cancellation - by another legislative act regulating the procedure of transportation dangerous goods on the territory of the Russian Federation) and other legislative acts in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.
4.3. When picking up Goods by self-pickup, the Buyer must comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the loading process and compliance with the rules of further cargo transportation, including requirements for not exceeding the permissible vehicle weight and/or permissible axle load, including those stipulated by Federal Law No. 259-FZ dated 08.11.2007 "On Road Transport and Urban Electric Transport" (in case of its amendment - in the edition valid at the time of acceptance of the goods by the Buyer/transporter, and in case of cancellation - by another legislative act regulating the procedure for transporting dangerous goods on the territory of the Russian Federation).
5.1.1. Acceptance of Goods by quantity and quality is carried out in accordance with the requirements:
- – "Instructions on the procedure for accepting products of industrial and technical purpose and consumer goods by quantity", approved by the Resolution of the State Arbitration of the USSR dated 15.07.1965 No P-6 with all additions and amendments;
- – "Instructions on the procedure for accepting products of industrial and technical purpose and consumer goods by quality", approved by the Resolution of the State Arbitration of the USSR dated 25.04.1966 No P-7 with all additions and amendments. In case of changes to the specified Instructions - in the edition valid at the time of acceptance of the goods by the Buyer/transporter, and in case of cancellation - by another legislative act regulating the procedure for accepting oil/petroleum products and/or products of industrial and technical purpose by quantity and quality on the territory of the Russian Federation.
5.1.2. The Buyer and/or consignee must ensure the acceptance of the Goods by quantity and quality in strict accordance with the standards, technical conditions, rules of cargo transportation, applicable in transportation, and the Contract.
5.1.3. Acceptance of the Goods is carried out by persons authorized by the Buyer's and/or consignee's manager. These individuals are responsible for strictly adhering to the rules of accepting the Goods. The quantity of actually dispatched and accepted Goods is determined by shipping documents signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
5.1.4. The obligation to comply with the rules of accepting the Goods, as well as the obligation to ensure proper completion of shipping documents for the Goods presented by the Supplier to the Buyer/consignee upon receipt, lies with the Buyer/consignee. In the absence of a person authorized to accept the Goods and sign shipping documents properly, or in the absence of properly completed shipping documents, the Buyer/consignee has no right to accept the Goods.
5.1.5. In case of non-compliance (non-performance, or improper performance) by the Buyer of clauses 5.1.2. - 5.1.4. of the Contract, as well as signing of shipping documents by an unauthorized person on the part of the Buyer/consignee, the risk of accidental loss is borne by the Buyer/consignee, and they are obliged to compensate the losses incurred by the Supplier in full within 3 (three) days from the date of presentation of the corresponding claim. In case of non-receipt (improper receipt) of the Goods, the Buyer informs the Supplier by email, specified in section 12 of the Contract, in the form of a scanned copy of the notification of the breach of obligations within 2 (two) working days from the date of receipt of the Goods at the unloading point and/or from the date when the obligations for the delivery of the Goods were supposed to be fulfilled. In the absence of a notification of the breach of obligations for the delivery of the Goods, the actions of the Buyer indicate the acknowledgment of the receipt of the Goods, the price, assortment, and quantity of which are indicated in the shipping documents and the universal transfer document. In case of discovering a shortage or discrepancy in the quality of the Goods, the Buyer must suspend further acceptance of the Goods, ensure its safety, as well as take measures to prevent its mixing with other homogeneous Goods and call the Supplier's representative to participate in the continuation of the acceptance of the Goods and the preparation of a bilateral act. Notification to the Supplier of the appointment of a representative must be sent by email in the form of a scanned copy, specified in section 12 of the Contract, within 3 (three) hours from the moment the Buyer discovers a shortage or discrepancy in the quality of the Goods. In case of absence of the carrier's representative and/or failure of the Supplier's representative to appear, the Buyer/consignee must take samples of the Goods in the presence of a representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in an amount of not less than 4 (four) pieces in clean containers intended for storing petroleum products (2 for the Supplier, 1 for the Buyer, 1 for conducting laboratory research), with mandatory sealing with signatures and deciphering of the data of the persons participating in their selection. Claims regarding the quality are accepted by the Supplier upon receipt of the expert laboratory conclusion on non-compliance with the GOST/ TU/ manufacturer's quality certificate/ terms of the Contract and Specification, accredited for the examination of the supplied petroleum product. Samples intended for the Supplier should be sent to 656056, Russia, Altai Krai, Barnaul, Bavarian Square, 2, office 911 LLC "Neftekhim-Ekspert" (Supplier's laboratory) with indication of Supplier's data, Buyer's data, delivery contract and Specification number (regarding the batch of disputed Goods). An act is drawn up on the detected shortage of Goods under the signatures of persons conducting the acceptance of the Goods. The act must be drawn up on the same day when the shortage is detected in the presence of the carrier's representative, with mandatory indication of the data on its detection in the shipping documents and the bill of lading. The act is approved by the Buyer's/consignee's manager no later than the next day after the act is drawn up and must be sent to the Supplier, with attached supporting documents, in the form of a scanned copy by email specified in section 12 of the Contract. In case of absence of the carrier's representative and/or failure of the Supplier's representative to appear, the Buyer/consignee must carry out acceptance in the presence of a representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Deviations in the quantity of the Goods within the limits of the natural loss rate established for the received petroleum product by the legislation of the Russian Federation are not considered as a shortage. In case of delivery of the Goods by rail transport, claims regarding the quantity of the delivered Goods are not satisfied if, when unloading the goods by the Buyer (consignee) at the destination station, there is a discrepancy between the quantity of the Goods indicated in the transport document and the quantity determined in the established order by the Buyer ( consignee) when unloading the Goods at the destination point, minus the natural loss rate provided for by the " Regulations on natural loss of oil and petroleum products during transportation by rail, road, water transport, and in mixed rail-water communication", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 01.11.2010 No527/236 (in case of their amendment - in the version in force at the time of transfer of the Goods by the shipper to the first carrier, and in case of cancellation - by another legislative act regulating the natural loss rates of oil and petroleum products during transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation), taking into account the limits of measurement error +(-) 0.75% of the quantity indicated in the transport document (GOST 8.595-2004 "State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Mass of oil and petroleum products. General requirements for measurement methods." section 5.1.2 "Measurement error", in case of amendment - in the version in force at the time of transfer of the Goods by the shipper to the first carrier, and in case of cancellation - by another legislative act regulating the measurement errors of the quantity of oil and petroleum products on the territory of the Russian Federation). In this case, the data indicated in the transport and shipping documents are accepted for the actual quantity of the delivered Goods.
6.1. The price of the delivered Goods is indicated and agreed upon by the Parties in the Appendices to the Contract. The cost of delivery of the goods is not included in the price of the delivered Goods. The cost of delivery of the goods is determined by the Parties additionally, by the Supplier issuing an invoice for the payment of delivery.
6.2. The main form of payment under the Contract is a 100% (One Hundred Percent) advance payment for the Goods. Other payment terms for the delivered Goods may be determined by the Parties in the appendices to the Contract. The date of payment for the cost of the Goods is considered to be the date of receipt of funds to the Supplier's settlement account specified in section 12 of the Contract or in the appendices to the Contract, or to the Supplier's cash desk.
6.3. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in the appendices to the Contract, the advance payment must be made by the Buyer no later than 3 (Three) banking days from the date of signing the relevant appendix and/or issuance of an invoice by the Supplier for the advance payment. The date of payment for the Goods is considered to be the date of receipt of funds to the Supplier's settlement account.
6.4. In case of non-receipt of 100% advance payment within the period specified in clause 6.3. of the Contract, the Supplier has the right to unilaterally refuse to fulfill the obligations under this Contract.
6.5. Payment for the Goods is made by the Buyer by non-cash transfer to the Supplier's settlement account. When paying for the Goods by bank transfer, the Buyer must indicate in the payment order column "Purpose of payment" the number and date of the Contract and the corresponding appendix to it. The Buyer's obligation to pay for the Goods is considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are credited to the Supplier's settlement account.
6.6. In case of a change in the price of the Goods agreed upon in the relevant Appendix to the Contract, the Supplier shall send by mail and/or facsimile and/or by email, specified in section 12 of the Contract, to the Buyer a notification of the introduction of a new price within 2 (two) working days.
6.7. In case of no response from the Buyer regarding the agreement to the new price, the Supplier has the right to suspend delivery until the price is agreed with the Buyer and/or refuse to fulfill the Contract. In this case, the suspension of delivery does not constitute a violation of the agreed terms of the Specification and does not entail liability for the Supplier for late delivery of the Goods to the Buyer/consignee.
6.8. If the Buyer disagrees to purchase the Goods at the revised price, the delivery of the Goods is terminated, and the Specification indicating the initial price is considered canceled, and the undelivered quantity of the Goods is not considered as a shortfall/breach of the Contract terms and does not entail liability for the Supplier for late delivery of the Goods to the Buyer/consignee.
6.9. In case of the Buyer's accounts receivable to the Supplier arising from other obligations, the Supplier has the right, after notifying the Buyer, to offset the payment under the Contract against the repayment of such obligations.
6.10. The Parties have agreed that the amounts of advance payment transferred by the Buyer or third parties on behalf of the Buyer are not commercial credit or a loan, and the Buyer or a third party is not entitled to demand from the Supplier payment of interest for the use of funds and/or interest under the terms of commercial credit, as well as penalties and fines.
7.1 The Buyer bears material responsibility for the fulfillment of all obligations under the Contract regardless of whether the recipient of the products is the Buyer or another enterprise (organization) at its direction.
7.2 In case of delayed payment for the supplied Goods, as well as other payments provided for by the Contract, the Buyer shall pay the Supplier a penalty at the rate of 0.15% for each day of delay from the value of the unpaid Goods/from the payment amount. A payment demand may be sent to the Buyer by email, and it may be sent in the form of a scanned copy by email, specified in Section 12 of the Contract and/or by the Buyer's mailing address. Within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the Supplier's demand, the Buyer is obliged to pay the penalty out-of-court. After the specified time, the Supplier reserves the right to notify the Buyer and to debit the penalty amount from the prepayment made by the Buyer in a non-acceptance manner for the Goods subject to delivery/supplied (including one-time purchase transactions outside the scope of Contract performance). An agreement on offsetting mutual homogeneous claims is not required.
7.3. In case of delay in delivery (underdelivery) of paid products, the Buyer may claim from the Supplier a penalty at the rate of 0.15% of the cost of the specified products for each day of delay. The Buyer may demand payment of the penalty by sending it in the form of a scanned copy by email, specified in section 12 of the Contract and/or by postal address of the Supplier.
7.4. In case of the Buyer's violation of the term specified in clause 6.4 of the Contract, the Supplier may demand payment of a fine for each day of idle railway wagons, tanks, tank containers, loading platforms, as well as compensation for the losses incurred by attaching a claim/demand from the owner/lessor of the wagons and/or the Supplier's counterparty. The demand for payment may be sent to the Buyer by in the form of a scanned copy by email and/or by postal address of the Buyer specified in section 12 of the Contract. For the calculation of penalty sanctions, the Supplier may use the data of the Main Computing Center (MCC) of Russian Railways, provided by the carrier in electronic form. The Buyer within 10 (ten) days from the receipt of the Supplier's demand with attachment of the claim of the wagon owner/carrier must pay out of court for each full/partial idle day the penalty in the amount of the claims specified in the claim of the wagon owner. After the specified time, the Supplier reserves the right to notify the Buyer and deduct in non-acceptance mode the penalty amount from the prepayment made by the Buyer for the pending/delivered Goods (including one-time transactions outside the scope of the Contract performance). No agreement on set-off of related homogeneous claims is required.
7.5. In case of delivery of the Goods by Supplier's/Supplier's contractor's motor transport, in case of fact of vehicle idle for more than 5 (five) hours during the Goods reception from the arrival of the vehicle to the unloading point due to the Buyer's fault, the latter must pay according to the details specified in section 12 of the Contract, out of court within 10 (ten) days from the receipt of a written demand from the Supplier a penalty in the amount specified in the claim of the vehicle owner for each subsequent hour of idle time, as well as all losses associated with downtime, incurred by the Supplier/Supplier's contractor. After the specified time, the Supplier reserves the right to notify the Buyer and deduct in non-acceptance mode the penalty amount from the prepayment made by the Buyer for the pending/delivered Goods (including one-time transactions outside the scope of Contract performance). No agreement on set-off of related homogeneous claims is required.
7.6. In case of self-pickup of the Goods by the Buyer, the Buyer undertakes to reimburse the Supplier for material losses incurred as a result of involving the Supplier or contractors with whom the Supplier has contracts (including Suppliers) to liability in connection with the Buyer's transportation of the products in violation of the applicable norms and rules. The amount of compensation for such losses is determined as follows:
- – in case of bringing the Supplier to administrative liability, including under grounds provided for in clause 10 of article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation — in the amount of the fine imposed by the authorized body;
- – in case of bringing the Supplier to civil liability — in the amount of money recovered from the Supplier by the court;
- – in case of bringing the contractor, with whom the Supplier has a contract, to administrative liability - in the amount of the claim made by the Supplier's counterparty, but not more than the fine imposed on a third party. Compensation for losses is made by the Buyer on the basis of a written demand
8.1. The Parties have agreed to use electronic document flow (hereinafter referred to as EDF) to fulfill their obligations on grounds provided by law when signing contracts and their annexes; when issuing and receiving invoices; invoices; corrective invoices; corrective invoices; universal transfer documents; documents on shipment of goods (performance of works), transfer of property rights (document on provision of services), including invoices; acts of performed works (services rendered); TORG-12 and documents confirming the receipt of goods and materials or the fact of providing services, signed by an authorized person, certified by a seal or providing a power of attorney (scanned copies of the work acceptance certificate, service acceptance certificate, TORG-12, power of attorney) in electronic form via telecommunication communication channels using Enhanced Qualified Electronic Signature (hereinafter - electronic signature).
8.2. In the absence of the Buyer's technical capability to implement EDF at the time of signing the Contract, it undertakes within 30 (thirty) days from the date of its signing to connect to the systems of the Electronic Document Interchange Operator, from the list accredited by the Federal Tax Service of Russia ( hereinafter referred to as the EDF Operator), as well as to accept measures to manufacture and certify encryption keys and electronic signature in the Certification Center from the list accredited by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The Buyer must notify the Supplier by email, specified in section 12 of the Contract, of readiness to transition to EDF, at least 10 (ten) days before the start of document exchange.
8.3. EDF is carried out by the Parties in accordance with applicable law, regulating the implementation of EDF, as well as in accordance with agreements on the exchange of electronic documents concluded by Operators.
8.4. To fulfill obligations under EDF, the Parties:
8.4.1. At their own expense, acquire, install, and ensure the operability of means and communication channels, software, manufacture and certification of encryption keys and electronic signature, as well as cryptographic information security tools necessary for connection to the EDF system.
8.4.2. Upon conclusion of the Contract and before the start of document exchange through EDF, each of the Parties undertakes to provide the other Party with properly certified copies of documents (power of attorney, order, directive), confirming the authority of their representatives to sign electronic documents. The Parties undertake to promptly inform each other of any changes in the authority of their representatives. In addition, each party guarantees that in case of transfer of the electronic signature key by an authorized person to third parties or its loss, it will immediately notify the other party and suspend EDF using the specified key. In cases of failure to fulfill this obligation, resulting in losses for the other Party associated with the signing of electronic documents by an unauthorized person (or exceeding such authority), as well as resulting in untimely performance of obligations in the absence of an authorized person, the Party committing such violation undertakes to compensate the other Party for losses in full.
8.5. The Parties agree to notify each other of the occurrence of circumstances leading to the suspension of EDF provided for by the Contract, by sending information indicating the reason and period of EDF suspension to the email address of the second Party specified in section 12 of the Contract, within the period specified in this clause:
- – in case of EDF suspension for more than 1 (one) day - immediately from the moment when the Party became aware of such circumstances;
- – in case of planned EDF suspension - no later than 10 (ten) working days before the occurrence of such suspension. In cases of violation by the Party of the notification procedure for EDF suspension, specified in this clause, resulting in losses for the other Party, the Party committing such violation undertakes to compensate the other Party for the specified losses in full.
8.6. Deadlines for document transmission using EDF correspond to the deadlines established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for paper document flow.
8.7. When implementing EDF, the Parties use document forms approved by orders of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. If document forms are not approved, then the Parties use forms agreed upon between them.
8.8. The parties acknowledge that electronic documents received by them, certified by electronic signatures of authorized persons, are legally equivalent to documents on paper media certified by corresponding signatures of the parties. Priority in the exchange of documents on different media (paper and electronic), but with the same numbers, is given to documents provided in electronic form provided they are signed by an authorized person within the validity period of the electronic signature verification key certificate.
8.9. An electronic document transmitted via telecommunication channels is considered outgoing from a Party if it is signed by an electronic signature belonging to an authorized person of the Party and sent through the Operators specified in clause 7.2 of the Contract via telecommunication channels. The electronic signature used to sign the document is deemed valid and belonging to an authorized person until a court decision establishes otherwise.
8.10. The EDI Agreement enters into force upon the signing of the Contract. Either Party has the right to refuse to perform the Contract regarding EDI upon providing written notice to the other Party at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the date of termination of document exchange.
8.11. All disputes arising in connection with the implementation of EDF terms are considered in accordance with section 8 of the Contract.
9.1. Disputes and disagreements arising between the Parties in the process of executing the Contract shall be resolved primarily through negotiations, and in case of inability to resolve disputes through negotiations - through pre-trial procedure.
9.2. A claim shall be filed in writing to the legal address specified in the Contract, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, accompanied by original or properly certified copies of documents confirming the claims made. The claim shall be considered within 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt, with the moment of receipt being the date indicated in the notification of receipt of correspondence through the post office or by email to the addresses specified below by the Parties. Moreover, if either Party has reason to believe that compliance with the above deadline may lead to violation of the rights of such Party, then such Party has the right to file a lawsuit and request the arbitration court to take provisional measures before the expiration of the aforementioned deadline.
9.3. In case of partial satisfaction or rejection of the claim, the response must state the grounds for the decision made by the Party. The response must be accompanied by all necessary documents.
9.4. If the Parties have exhausted all pre-trial procedures and have not reached an agreement, the dispute shall be submitted for consideration to the Arbitration Court of the Altai Territory, and when one of the parties to the dispute is a natural person - to the Central District Court of Barnaul.
10.1. The Parties shall be released from liability for partial or complete non-performance of their obligations under the Contract if such non-performance was caused by force majeure circumstances, namely - fire, floods, earthquakes, war, as well as strikes, government decrees or orders of government bodies provided that these circumstances directly affected the performance of obligations under the Contract. In this regard, taking into account the provisions of clause 5.1 of the Contract, the term for the performance of obligations under the Contract shall be extended in proportion to the time during which such circumstances were in effect.
10.2. The Party for which it became impossible to fulfill the obligation must immediately (but no later than 10 ( ten) days from the moment of occurrence or termination) notify the other party in writing of the occurrence, expected duration, and termination of the aforementioned circumstances. The facts set forth in the notification must be confirmed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (or other competent authority or organization) of the respective Party.
10.3. Failure to notify or late notification deprives the Party of the right to refer to any of the aforementioned circumstances as a basis for exemption from liability for non-performance of obligations under the Contract.
10.4. If such circumstances persist for more than 3 (three) months, then each of the Parties has the right to terminate the Contract, and in this case, neither Party shall be entitled to compensation for possible losses.
11.1. In all matters not provided for by the Contract, the Parties shall be guided by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.
11.2. The Parties undertake to promptly notify each other in writing of any changes in their shipping details accepted by the Seller for shipment of Goods, if such notification is received by the Supplier no later than 10 (ten) days before the start of the delivery period. The Supplier's notification of changes in its banking details shall be accepted for execution by the Buyer for payment of the Goods, if such notification is received by the Buyer no later than 3 (three) days before the payment due date.
11.3. The Contract and other documents related to the Contract may be signed by the parties in paper form and/or by exchanging scanned copies via email specified in section 12 of the Contract. Specifications and shipping documents may be signed by the parties by affixing the facsimile signature of the manager and the organization's seal, with the exchange of scanned copies via email specified in section 12 of the Contract, followed by replacement with originals; in this case, the fact of receiving a document signed in this way confirms the agreement of the Party with its content/terms and the acceptance of the Goods. The Parties will recognize the legal force of such documents as originals, with subsequent mandatory exchange of their originals. In case of transfer in paper form, signed documents must be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or delivered by courier with delivery confirmation. If a paper document requires signatures of both Parties, it shall be transmitted in 2 (two) copies. The Parties have additionally agreed that upon request of one party for sending documents executed on paper media, the other party is obliged to provide the originals of the documents, previously sent as scanned copies, within 5 (five) working days from the date of receiving the request.
LLC "Blowball"
INN/KPP: 7743208562/222501001
OGRN: 1177746468789
Account No.: 40702810023100002804
Correspondent account: 30101810600000000774
BIC (Bank Identification Code): 045004774